Arab Lab Live 2024, Stand 538 Sheikh Saeed hall S2 At Dubai World Trade Center UAE
Renaissance Equipment

Calorimeter C 200

Products - UAE - Renaissance Equipment

Calorimeter C 200
Compact low-cost semi-automated calorimeter
to determine calorific values of liquid and solid
samples. Suitable for educational purposes
(e.g. technical schools, universities) and for
commercial, industrial laboratories with a low
number of samples.
The system can be adapted to individual laboratory tasks by adding further accessories.
C 200
EN |
The C 200 includes the following

Basic device (measuring cell) C 200 incl.
power pack and ignition adaptor
Decompostion vessel C 5010
Oxygen station C 248
Further consumables for installation and
calibration included



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Arab Lab Live - Stand 538. Sheikh Saeed Hall - 2024