Arab Lab Live 2024, Stand 538 Sheikh Saeed hall S2 At Dubai World Trade Center UAE
Renaissance Equipment



Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES) is an analytical technique, universally considered and used to determine the chemical composition of metal alloys.
Thanks to the method precision and the short analysis time, it represents a valid control system of production in all the fields regarding metal industry (primary alloys foundries, metal processing industries, mechanical industry) in any time during production cycle, in the case it is necessary to have a fast and accurate chemical analysis of material.



GNR Spark Optical Emission Spectrometers are the perfect instruments for Metal Analysis.
GNR, thanks to its 35 years experience in the field, has tuned-up a huge range of analysers in order to offer the most suitable instrument for any requirement.

Team - Renaissance Equipment
Atlantis - Machinery


S9 Atlantis is the GNR Top Range Laboratory Optical Emission Spectrometer.

The new S9 Atlantis is the result of 35 years of experience in developing and manufacturing optical spark emission spectrometers. It can be considered as the top laboratory metal analyser with improved analytical performances, highly flexibility and easy to use.

Manufactured with the higher quality components, S9 Atlantis is develop for any kind of analytical task. It is well suitable for routine analysis in the process control, for monitoring in quality control as well as in research and development for complex or specific analytical needs.

S9 Atlantis optical system combines the specific advantages of both photomultiplier tubes and CMOS detector systems.

The spectrometer can mount a cooled table stand and an ultra vacuum optic by an additional turbo-molecolar pump able to grant the highest sensibility for trace elements analysis such as Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorous and Boron in Steels, Copper, Aluminium and Titanium Alloys.

S9 Atlantis can be designed with optional MDS optic (Multi Detector System), granting at the same time the best accuracy and the flexibility of elements to be analyzed.

Atlantis - Machinery
Machine - Mini Lab - Renaissance Equipment


Ultra Compact Optical Emission Spectrometer

A new production model which has already met customer’s satisfaction for its excellent performance and competitive price. Nowadays MiniLab instruments are ones of the smallest and lightest compact optical emission spectrometers available on the market with outstanding analytical results in this category.

S1 MiniLab 150 is a Multi Matrix Spectrometer. Thanks to its innovative optical design is one of the smallest and lightest ultra-compact spark emission spectrometer for metal analysis.

S1 is equipped with software “Single Sample Standardization” which allows to standardize the unit with just one single sample for several bases.

S1 MiniLab 150 combines easiness of use, low maintenance cost, very competitive price with the most advanced technological optical and electronical components.

The innovative argon purged optic, with an argon consumption of 10 l/day only, ensures the maximum light transparency even in UV region at a negligibile cost.

Machine - Mini Lab - Renaissance Equipment


Ultra Compact Optical Emission Spectrometer

S3 MiniLab 300 is the newest Spark Emission Spectrometer designed by GNR to celebrate its 30th year of operations. Nowadays MiniLab instruments are ones of the smallest and lightest compact optical emission spectrometers available on the market with outstanding analytical results in this category.

S3 MiniLab 300 offers an excellent solution for metal analysis: it combines easiness of use, low maintenance cost, affordable price with the most advanced technological optical and electronical components, ensuring complete spectral coverage at best resolution and light efficiency.

In 2017, our engineers have designed the 2nd generation model which make the S3 MiniLab 300 system fully suitable not only for general purpose applications but also for more demanding and heavy duty applications.

S3 can cover almost all the analytical requirementrs of a modern foundry but not only.

The innovative argon purged optic, with an argon consumption of 10 l/day only, ensures the maximum light transparency even in UV region at negligibile costs.

The result is a completely new CMOS based instrument with the possibility to analyze the following matrices (Iron, Copper, Aluminium, Nickel, Zinc, Tin, Titanium, Cobalt, Lead, Magnesium) with superior analytical performances

Machine - Mini Lab - Renaissance Equipment
GNR Machine Supplier in UAE Machine- Renaissance Equipment


Outstanding CMOS Based Optical Emission Spectrometer for Metal Analysis

S5 SOLARIS Plus (S5 SCP) is an advanced CMOS based optical emission spectromter for Metal Analysis. S5 SCP offers the perfect solution for Metal Analysis: reliability and accuracy in results, superior analytical performance, ease of use and attractive price.

With more than 600 units installed all over the world, S5 SCP is the most popular model of GNR range of spectrometer.

S5 SCP represent the ideal solution to be used in any working place (Office, Laboratory, Stock, Production), thanks to the reduced dimensions and to the quality of components.

GNR Technicians have introduced during the years several innovative and technological advanced solutions, which makes S5 SCP system fully suitable not only for general purpose applications but also for specific demands.

S5 SCP instrument is offered as standard configuration as well as it can be easily customized in terms of optical parameters, different gratings and  detectors, elements and analytical range to fulfil the most strictly analytical demands

It is the perfect unit to perform multi-matrix analysis on both Ferrous and Not Ferrous Alloys.

Minilab Supplier in UAE Machine- Renaissance Equipment


S7 MLP, the most suitable solution for your Laboratory

S7 Metal Lab Plus combines ease of use and high accuracy of results. Its ergonomic and innovative design has been appreciated by many Laboratories using this Metal Analyzer for several applications across all metal industry.

S7 MLP is the perfect solution able to cover multi matrix analysis requests and at the same time granting the flexibility of easy upgrade for future needs. S7 MLP is available with different configurations, able to analyze any different kind of metal alloys, ferrous and non ferrous ones: in addition an optional version with upgraded CMOS scientific grade is available for low nitrogen and oxygen analysis with superior analytical performances.

A high performance PC programmable multi frequency source unit ensures that complete spark power stability is achieved allowing a significant increase in precision and a reduction in analysis time.

S7 MLP instrument is offered as standard configuration as well as it can be easily customized in terms of optical parameters, different gratings and  detectors, elements and analytical range to fulfil the most strictly analytical demands.

As an option, S7 MLP could be set up with optional external arm with the aim to check bigger samples in ferrous and non ferrous alloys.

S7 MLP key features are listed below:

  • High analytical performances
  • Flexibility, stability and reliability
  • Accuracy and reproducibility
  • High class certified standard calibration
  • High Energy Pre Spark (HEPS) source PC controlled
  • Short analysis time
  • High range of metal analysis
  • Advanced software technology
  • Intuitive software for unskilled operators
Minilab Supplier in UAE Machine- Renaissance Equipment
E3- ESAPORT - UAE - Renaissance Equipment


E3 ESAPORT portable optical emission spectrometer for analysis on site, equipped with arc and/or spark excitation source, is the perfect instrument for all fields of applications in Metal Sorting, positive Material Identification (PMI), incoming quality controls and so on.

Using the argon gas flushed pistol the results are comparable with the ones obtained with a Lab instrument, according to sample’s preparation.

The instrument is extremely functional and allows the rapid identification of all metal alloys and the analysis of elements such as C, Al, Si and Mg.

It is, for this reason, competitive to the portable X ray portable systems, because it has a bigger analytical capacity and is not submitted to restrictions related to radiogenic sources detection.

The instrument is small sized and can be brought and used everywhere, from production department to warehouse. In addition a practical and handy trolley (optional) is available to make easier the movement from a place to an other.

  • Dedicated CCD Optical System
  • User-Friendly Panel PC
  • Special Power Management with battery (optional) for independent running
  • Trolley (optional)
Brand: GNR Machine

RDE Spectrometer with Auto Samples Changer

GNR developed a new RDE spectrometer, RotrOil Auto Samples
Changer (RTL-ASC) that provides automated operation for the analysis
of the used oil samples. It is a cost-effective instrument for un-attended
operations in oil analysis laboratories, which requires considerable
analysis volumes.
Scope of the instrument is to support end user activity in case of several
samples per day to be analyzed providing a robotizing automatic oil
sample changer.
Uploaded the samples (up to 48 samples) in the carousel, R4 RotrOil,
in an automatic way, is able to load oil samples, perform the spark
and analysis, remove oil sample and used disc electrodes reducing
preparation time for the operator and related cost per analysis.
R4 RotrOil has an innovative design for automation that consists of a
robotic system to exchange consumables and an automatic sample
changer for fully automatic and un-attended operations.

Brand: GNR Machine


GNR-LP-200-Automatic-Grinder Machine - Renaissance Equipment


The most commonly used methods to analyze a solid state metal material are optical emission spectrometers and, in some cases, X-Ray Fluorescence.

Preparation of specimes must be performed in a correct manner, quickly and with the maximum security for the operator. The specimens must be homogeneous and representative, must have a flat and grinded surface with different finishing grades depending on the material in order to minimize the factors that may affect the results especially for the trace elements.


LP 200 Automatic electric grinder, equipped with dust aspiration system, is the new automatic instrument for the preparation of metallographic samples manufactured by GNR.

It represents the ideal solution not only for those who have a large number of specimens but also for operator’s safety that can carry out the operation with totally free hands without contact with the working area.

A manual cycle operation is available to perform occasional preparation of samples whose irregular shapes would be unsuitable for automatic mode.

LP 200 Automatic electric grinder, with automatic sample loading and unloading, allows the operator to program the entire cycle depending on the type of material to be analyzed. It is possible to select the belt speed, the number of cleaning and the degree of pressure on the specimen.

The most common materials are Fe, Cu, Al, Co and others.

GNR-LP-200-Automatic-Grinder Machine - Renaissance Equipment
Machine - Renaissance Equipment


New belt grinding machine for fast preparation of sample surface equipped with:

  • N° 1 grinding belt cm 100 x 10
  • N° 1 motor 2800 rpm

Dimensions and Weight: W 60 x D 40 x H 30 cm / 38 Kg

Renaissance Equipment


GNR produce Electrogrinding Machine for preparation of spectrometer samples surface.

DS 300/2 is equipped with:

  • N° 2 separate discs 300 mm suitable to prevent pollution in case of cleaning surfaces of different alloys
  • N° 2 self braking motors (1500 rpm) operating separately
  • Vacuum Cleaner

Dimension and Weight: W 42 x D 76 x 92 H cm / 110 Kg

Renaissance Equipment
Machinery - Renaissance Equipment


LP 3000 Polishing machine for preparation of Ferrous and Non Ferrous spectrometric samples.

It is supplied with proper lapping tool accordingly to the alloy of the sample to be prepared (Aluminium, Copper, Cast Iron)

LP 3000 basic configuration comes with

  • N° 1 Self braking mono-phase motor 1500 rpm
  • N° 1 Sample Holder

LP 3000 could mount:

  • Cutting Tool system for Non Ferrous Samples
  • Grinding Stone for Cast Iron Samples

The Unit could have different sample’s holder:

  • Basic Sample Holder for different shape
  • Mandrel for round sample
  • Magnetic sample holder

Furthemore is possible to use the LP 3000 together with a complete stand with a dust exhauster.

Dimension and Weight: W 52,5 x D 50 x H 73 cm / 55 Kg

Arab Lab Live - Stand 538. Sheikh Saeed Hall - 2024