Arab Lab Live 2024, Stand 538 Sheikh Saeed hall S2 At Dubai World Trade Center UAE
Renaissance Equipment


Rotr Oil - GNR - Renaissance Equipment

GNR developed a new RDE spectrometer, RotrOil Auto Samples Changer (RTL-ASC) that provides automated operation for the analysis of the used oil samples.
It is a cost-effective instrument for un-attended operations in oil analysis laboratories, which requires considerable analysis volume.

Scope of the instrument is to support end user activity in case of several samples per day to be analyzed providing a robotizing automatic oil sample changer.

Uploaded the samples (up to 48 samples) in the carousel, R4 RotrOil, in an automatic way, is able to load oil samples, perform the spark and analysis, remove oil sample and used disc electrodes reducing preparation time for the operator and related cost per analysis.

Technical Data

Optical System

  • Optical Air System: Multi High Resolution CMOS system
  • High luminosity holographic grating
  • Wavelength Range: 190 to 800 mn

Other Information

  • Power Supply: 110/220 V AC 16 A 1 KW
  • Dimensions: 1500 x 615 x 975 mm
  • Weight: 130 kg

Software Informations

EOS®, operating in Windows environment, is the GNR proprietary SW very functional and easy to use.
Operator can use all the spectrometer’s functions in a flexible way and cover all the requirements.
Some of the most important functions are listed below:

  • Analysis
  • Controlled Standardization
  • Printing of the Certificates (customizable)
  • Determination of alloys in accordance to international norms (UNI, ASTM, DIN, …)
  • Network linking and remote control
  • Data Export
  • Equipment and Spark Check
  • Multi-User Access
  • Software Remote Update


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Arab Lab Live - Stand 538. Sheikh Saeed Hall - 2024